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  2. Wait for your registration approval
  3. Login and skim through the directory to find partners suitable for your solicitation requirements

GDIC Self-Scoring Partnering Portal

A free service from GDI Consulting

  • GDI Consulting has started this free partnering portal to help government contractors seeking partners for participating in major Self-Scoring solicitations. The portal includes a directory so each contractor who registers will have access to its content and different features. All registered companies will be listed in the directory. Displaying the contact information (email, telephone, address) is optional. Companies can send messages to each other via an internal messaging system to discuss partnerships.
  • To keep the directory in line with its purpose, each new registration will go through an approval process before activation.
  • As this is a new initiative, we would very much welcome any suggestions to improve its functionality and use. Please send your comments to [email protected]

I am very impressed with GDIC’s Partner Hub for OASIS+. It was simple and easy to create my company’s profile and we found a potential teaming partner within a week of its launch.

The GDIC Partnering Portal was helpful in our efforts to find teaming partners for OASIS+. We were able to actively engage with about a dozen companies that resulted in a solid partner in the end. Use of the portal helped save us time in doing internal research and cold calling since the companies were tracking the procurement and we could have meaningful discussions as a result.

GDI Consulting Blog

The Alliant 3 Draft RFP is that golden chance for businesses to seal high-dollar federal contracting opportunities. Be sure to use this guide to uncover every detail of the Alliant 3 Draft RFP, find your way through the procurement process, and answer hundreds of questions to give you an opportunity to win a proposal over your competition.

Free Consultation

GDI Consulting provides free consultation to government contractors on major active solicitations posted by the federal government. 

We also provide capture and proposal consulting on any federal opportunity that you are interested in or currently working on. Contact us for details. 

Full Proposal Development

With full proposal development, GDI Consulting takes the responsibility of preparing a winning OASIS Plus proposal based on the projects and other qualifications you have in one or more domains. The initial phase will include these tasks:

  • Initiantion and kikoff
  • Document collection and inventorization
  • Data extraction from documents
  • Populating our proprietary Automated OASIS Plus Scoring Matrix with the data
  • Optimizing and Maximizing the Score
    Next, we will present you a Readiness Assessment Report and hold a strategy session with your team. This will lead to the next phase, which is final proposal preparation. A Red Team Compliance Review will follow and corrections applied. Then a second review will be done before closing the proposal and submission through Symphony

Proposal Review and Submission

GDI Consulting offers a Red Team Review and Submission service for those companies working on the OASIS Plus proposal development in-house or using other consultants. In summary, this plan includes the following services:

  • Red Team Compliance Reviews
  • Conduct 1st Round of Review
  • Perform Corrections
  • Conduct 2nd Round of Review
  • Perform Corrections and Finalize
  • Submission to Symphony
    Our Red Team compliance review checks every document to make sure the scores are adequately substantiated. Then a corrections checklist is created to further optimize your score. after the corrections are applied a second round of review is conducted to finalize the proposal. At the final stage, the proposal is submitted through Symphony.

OASIS+ Eligibility Assessment

GDI Consulting is providing a preliminary eligibility assessment service to help companies in their decision to enter OASIS Plus solicitation. This service will also give you a better idea of how to go about partnering with other companies for this opportunity.
What you will be provided:

  • A probable score based on your responses to the questionnaire
  • Recommendations as to how to optimize/increase your score
  • Recommendations on partnering and in which areas to concentrate
  • Recommendations about whether you should proceed with full proposal development or not

    To start using this service, click on the below button
Cost: $490.00 per domain